Friday, January 29, 2010

Chased by a same fucking dog again

Got chased by a same fucking dog that used to chased me a year earlier just now. Why can't the owner just put a leash on the dog and went out together with it ?.Instead off letting it went out by itself and intimidating unsuspected passerby.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Night In Genting

Came back from Genting last night, enjoyed the cold breeze and hot steamboat over there is fun. the only thing that was not so fun is the music award presentation that i saw. My eyes were pain and can't even saw a thing at the stage just their legs. The fans were crazy and my ears were almost deaf. Joy came to me went i walked out from the arena and felt the cold and misty environment, this is the main reason i came up there.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Who shall we blame? The criminals or the residents?


A smart way to prevent crimes from wrecking havoc or will cause inconvinience in case of an emergency?
You figure it out yourself.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Riding on a bike is fun and gives you more freedom on the streets congested with cars and even brings you much closer to the nature. I don't really like to drive a car if it is not necessary someytimes will even take public transport to avoid the jams, and some people said that bikes are dangerous. Well, it depends on the rider themselves they need to pay 100% concentration on the road and their surrounding as cars don't really give a damn on motorcyclists especially in Malaysia. Cars can also be dangerous if the are driven by reckless and iresponsible drivers.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Bad Start

Things didn't went as smooth as i expected, some of my stuff are missing one of them is even more than once and i found it back. I wish i don't wake up with my money goes missing the next day.